HolidayDB.pdb Generator. Currently WP+, WeeklyPlan, and MonthPlanner use HolidayDB.pdb.
- Download : HDMaker (Version 1.3)
How to input Holiday
General Rules
- All lines staring with ‘;’ are comment, You can add comment with ‘;’ in any places of lines
- Descrition string for Datebook notify is started with ‘:’. It is used for Datebook Notify
- Starting lines with ‘*’ are ignored during ‘Create HolidayDB’.
- Each entry is divided with ‘\n’. You can enter one holiday entry in one line.
- You can specify the duration such as the day after or before holiday with ‘[’ and ‘]’
- ex) 1/1[-1,0,1] ; A Day before New year, New Year, A Day after New Year.
- If year field is specified, it only occurs on that year. Or it is repeated on the years specified in Prefs.
Input Format
Fixed Day(like New Year’s Day, Christmas Day, Halloween)
It follows the system date format. If Date Format is ‘M/D/Y’, you can input ‘10/2/2004’. You can input lunar date with -) and #). -) means by lunar day, and #) means by lunar leap day.
* Examples
** 1/1 : New Year
** 10/31 : Halloween
** 12/25 : Christmas
** -)8/15[-1,0,1] : Chuseok in Korea
** -)1/1[-1,0,1] : Seol in Korea
Day of Month(Example: First Sunday of June; like Daylight Saving’s Start/End, Martin Luther King’s Day)
@c(month, week_of_month, day_of_week)
@c(month, week_of_month, day_of_week, year)
If week_of_month
is -1, it means by the last week. day_of_week
must be between 0 and 6(Sun=0, …, Sat=6).
* Examples
** @c(2, 3, 1) : President's Day Observed(Third Monday in February)
** @c(9, 1, 1) : Labor Day Observed(First Monday in September)
** @c(10, 2, 1) : Columbus Day Observed(Second Monday in October)
Easter related(x days before Easter Sunday; Like Easter Sunday)
** @easter(2004) : Easter Sunday in 2004
** @easter[-4] : Four days before Easter Sunday
HolidayDB is the Palm date file, which contains Holiday Information. Currently WeeklyPlan and PalmWiki:MonthPlanner use this information. You can generate HolidayDB by HolidayDBMaker.
Data structure of HolidayDB.pdb(Creator: Holi, Type: DATA)
Each record has Holiday information. To speed up the check of Holiday, every recurring holiday is stored as the separate entry. HolidayDB is sorted by asending order with date.
Record Structure
typedef struct {
UInt16 year :7 ; //years since 1904 (Mac format)
UInt16 month :4;
UInt16 day :5;
} DateType;
If you want to use HolidayDb in your program…
HolidayDB Open
HolidayDB = DmOpenDatabaseByTypeCreator('DATA', 'Holi', mode);
HolidayDB Close
if (HolidayDB) DmCloseDatabase(HolidayDB);
Check Holiday
- Boolean IsHoliday(DateType date) - Return true if the date is holiday
static Int16 DateCompare(DateType d1, DateType d2)
UInt16 int1, int2;
int1 = DateToInt(d1);
int2 = DateToInt(d2);
if (int1 > int2)
return (1);
else if (int1 < int2)
return (-1);
return 0;
static Int16 DateCompareRecords(DateType *rec1,
DateType *rec2,
extern Int16 DateCompare (DateType d1, DateType d2);
return DateCompare(*rec1, *rec2);
Boolean IsHoliday(DateType date)
extern Int16 DateCompare (DateType d1, DateType d2);
extern DmOpenRef HolidayDB;
UInt16 index;
MemHandle recordH;
DateType *ptr;
if (!HolidayDB) return 0;
index = DmFindSortPosition(HolidayDB, &date, NULL, (DmComparF*)DateCompareRecords, 0);
if (index > 0) {
recordH = DmQueryRecord(HolidayDB, index - 1);
if (recordH) {
ptr = MemHandleLock (recordH);
if (DateCompare(*ptr, date) == 0) {
return -1;
else {
return 0;
return 0;